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Measuring Sound

Sensor Fundamentals

Measuring Sound

Assess Your Testing Needs

Many measurement sensors, such as accelerometers and load cells generate DC voltages that can be measured. There are considerations that come along with each measurement and sensor type. This guide will explain general DC voltage measurements that do not involve sensor setup. Voltage is the simplest of the different types of analog measurements, and yet still presents unique challenges regarding noise considerations.

Research & Select the Right Equipment

Research and select the right equipment and software for your testing process. Consider factors such as test accuracy, test speed, ease of use, scalability, and compatibility with your existing manufacturing process. Consult with experts in the field, attend trade shows and conferences, and request demonstrations or trials to evaluate different options.

Design Test Fixtures

Design test fixtures that securely hold the PCBs, provide proper alignment and contact, and allow for easy insertion and removal of the boards. Consider the specific requirements of your PCB designs and ensure that the test fixtures can accommodate different board sizes and configurations. Test the fixtures with sample PCBs to ensure proper functionality.

Develop Test Sequences & Parameters

Develop test sequences and parameters that accurately reflect your testing requirements. This includes defining the order of tests, the specific measurements and analysis to be performed, and the pass/fail criteria. Consider the complexity of your test procedures and ensure that the automated testing system can handle them accurately and consistently. Test the sequences and parameters with sample PCBs to ensure accurate and reliable results.

Deploy and Validate

Develop test sequences and parameters that accurately reflect your testing requirements. This includes defining the order of tests, the specific measurements and analysis to be performed, and the pass/fail criteria. Consider the complexity of your test procedures and ensure that the automated testing system can handle them accurately and consistently. Test the sequences and parameters with sample PCBs to ensure accurate and reliable results.

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